
Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Slit Mouthed Woman Inspired Make-Up Tutorial (MissPixieLulu Scream for Halloween Contest)

The Slit Mouthed Woman Inspired Make-Up Tutorial (MissPixieLulu Scream for Halloween Contest) Tube. Duration : 4.03 Mins.

I am a HUGE horror movie fan, so I do apologise for the scary music! Turn your volume down guise! :( Even I got scared of listening to it more than twenty times when editing... On another note, today's make-up is inspired by The Slit Mouthed Woman which is a Japanese myth. According to Wikipedia, basically... there was once a woman whose mouth was slit from ear to ear by her jealous husband. She then return to town as an evil spirit wearing a surgical mask (to hide her slitted mouth) and stops children who are walking home alone by questioning them "Am I beautiful?". If the child or children answer 'yes', she will remove her mask to reveal her slitted mouth and ask 'How about now?'. If the child or children answer 'no', they will be cut in half or if they answer 'yes', she will slit their mouth(s) like hers... from ear to ear. Interesting eh? One more thing is... I did over-exaggerate the slit a little too much than the movie's make-up, but I can tell you that I'm not disappointed (hehe) for it's my first time using latex and scar wax! I also wished that I had a pair of plain white contacts and mask to complete the look. Hope you liked it! For any tips on how to improve or thoughts, please drop a comment below! X

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